TPA Manggar is a landfill in Balikpapan City. During the rainy season, the leachate discharge entering the processing plant is so large that the collection tub will not be able to withstand the leachate flow rate. To find out the direction of the distribution of leachate waste and the extent to which it has spread and to map the areas at high risk of being contaminated, measurements were taken using the Geophysical method, namely the Self Potential Method (SP). The SP method is based on measuring the self-potential of rocks in the earth's crust without having to inject an electric current into the soil. Based on this, research will be carried out to determine the mapping of the distribution of leachate flow in the TPA Mangaar area. The results of measurement and processing of self-potential data can be showing beneath the surface in the form of leachate distribution in the study area based on isopotential contour. Based on the results of contour and isopotential map data processing. The highest potential value of this study was 60 mV, while the lowest potential value of this study was -40 mV.